Linocut greeting cards!

After getting busy with lino cutting labels for my Hardcore Kakor cookie stall, I played around and printed some cards.  You can find this printed goodness over on my Etsy Store.

Hardcore Kakor at A La London Design Market in Gothenburg

Riding off the inspiration of Pictoplasma I decided to draw ‘n’ bake my way into the A La London Design Market in Gothenburg this past May.
Drawing and baking cookies = my kind of awesomeness.
And it was the perfect opportunity to having fun with my bearded baker character.

Super belated Pictoplasma wrap up

After such an intense, creative, super fun week in Berlin at Pictoplasma’s 10th Birthday Festival and Conference (the highlight being reunited with my Pictoplasma Academy friends for our group show) all I want to do is make more stuff. Good result.
Hence the delay in posting about the event… so here’s a little pictorial account of my time.

P.S Since the Group Show we’ve started a little side project, The Eggplant Collective to keep us connected, creative and sharing ideas.

P.P.S Thanks to the super talented Swantje Wenz who gave me some of her photos of my piece Adventure Girl. Check out her animated short, There are no Kittens in Paradise, she screened at the show.

P.P.P.S. I did not take enough pics of the group show and everyone’s awesome work so, visit here to see who participated, then go here to check out more happenings at the festival.